Wednesday, November 17, 2010

the beauty of simplicity

It's plain and simple, I love simplicity.
The older and older I get, the more I'm able to identify this in my life.
So many times I catch myself saying, "Why can't things just be simple?" This seems like a silly thing to be pointing out, since it might be assumed that everybody would want things to just be simple, but I don't think that's so true.
Sometimes I feel like everybody is trying their hardest to complicate things, and complicate their lives. Everybody wants more.
Not me. It kinda stresses me out.
I just love simple.
I love simple clothes. Solid color v-necks and Gap straight legged jeans own my closet. My highlighter yellow Vans really spice things up, but that's just because I couldn't resist.
I love simple makeup. This is mostly because I have no tolerance for spending time on changing my face, so mascara and rose salve lip balm alway seem to do the trick.
I love simple music. While everybody knows I can never deny my not-so-secret obsession with the Black Eyed Peas, I always prefer an acoustic guitar or piano. Raw. No fancy effects or beats.
I love simple words. My favorite Bible verse of all time is Romans 12:12. Be joyful in hope, Patient in affliction, Faithful in prayer. There is no need for complexity, and somehow ten words always seem to help me through any situation I find myself in.
I love simple jewelry. I have wanted the same engagement ring my whole entire life. Plain band with a solitaire diamond. It's the most beautiful thing I could ever imagine.
I love simple homes. There is nothing that makes me giddier than a cozy bedroom with light sage green walls, black and white family pictures, and a Queen size bed with all white sheets, pillow cases, and a fluffy white down comforter. Drool.
I love simple people. Save the drama for your mama. Not much more to say.
I love simple activities. Bike rides! Board games! Painting! Reading! Talking, people, talking!

I think we should all try to challenge ourselves to simplify our lives this week. Let's forget all the flash and fuss. Doesn't get you far anyways.

"In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

1 comment:

  1. i absolutely love this :) and i totally agree! definitely going to be trying to simplifying my life this week.
