Saturday, July 11, 2009

Three Reasons. Three Warnings.

     I must be honest; I have intensely mocked bloggers for quite some time now. I've never understood the thrill in journaling via the World Wide Web, where a whole two people would most likely be the viewers. However, a college friend of mine recently started blogging and I was suddenly intrigued. I guess it isn't so lame after all, but the real reason I have decided to share my diary with all of the universe is because I need it. I'll just go ahead state my reasons for needing it via list, only because it's summer and my brain is too mushy and intoxicated with sugar to organize it any other way. 

Reason 1.) I have an issue with keeping all negative emotions inside, so they can marinate in all of my negative thoughts and become completely and utterly irrational. At the moment I wrongly attempt to solve this problem by blurting out a sarcastic comment here and there and praying the people around will pick up my hint and understand how I feel about whatever issue I'm having. However, it just gets me more upset when nobody picks up on these hints, and I feel as though I am not being heard. I think that if I can casually publish my opinion on certain things that are going on around me or simply in my head, I would a little more represented (even if nobody is reading). 
Reason 2.) I am extremely complex and often times inconsistent. In a way, writing down all these things that go in and out of my head (and sometimes don't return), I could better understand myself. Hopefully, this will also create a sense of accountability with myself. 
Reason 3.) One of my favorite things in the world is to listen to people's thoughts and ideas. I find it absolutely fascinating. Over the past year I have realized how much EVERYBODY has in common, and how much realizing these similarities can be therapeutic. It's amazing how much peace I have recently found by knowing specific people who think, feel, and experience the same thing as I do or did. I think it's a huge factor in creating relationships and building trust. As you will soon read about (once I get used to blogging), I have been through so many things in these past two years, more than I had ever thought of. Now, I feel this tugging on my heart to share. I want people who may be thinking, feeling, or experiencing things that i am or have to feel normal! There are so many things that aren't talked about, and that people feel ashamed and afraid of. Because God specifically chose me to go through the things that I recently have, I feel it is my duty to share and to attempt to make it easier for anyone who relates. 

Now some warnings and clarifications: 
1.) Don't be scared. I don't plan to merely write about awful and depressing things. I laugh a lot and thoroughly enjoy making others laugh, so hopefully I can do so when I come across funny little things in this world that I decide to share. I also am interested in some shallow and superficial things that I love to talk about, so be prepared for posts about that. 
2.) Like I stated before, I am incredibly complex and inconsistent. Please be patient and understanding if I don't always make logical sense or if I continually change my mind about how I feel about things. I also tend to think in extremes at times. It's annoying. 
3.) I might not go through with any of this. Even though I'm super passionate about this right now, my passion may fade tomorrow. That happens a lot. 

Hopefully, I will be a successful blogger. Tune in to read new posts, and feel free to leave responses. I love hearing alternate opinions. :) tooooooodles. 

1 comment:

  1. seriously girly....I blog and I love it, it is a way for the family to stay connected. My mom and my grandma both loved to read my stuff. Mostly it's about my kids and our adventures.
