Friday, March 5, 2010

Karissa and Jaaaaake sittin in a tree...

The other day I was thinking about my studly fellow and panicked. I suddenly became obsessive about remembering every single little detail of our relationship, and then started freaking out even more about how many fun little stories I had already forgotten. I decided that I need to document as many details as I possible. It's important to hang onto. So, I guess this is the story of us :)

I started high school in 2003. I had red and gold highlights in my hair that was parted down the middle. I wore clunky black and hot pink vans and a roxy backpack. My face had just discovered what acne was, and I always smelled of either Tommy Girl or Lucky You. Hott stuff, I know. Anyways, I was a Jesus Lover and quickly fell into a group of similar humans. Jacob Allen Yeager was one.
I knew who he was, obviously. Everyone did. I never spoke to him. However, I did sit next to him in Jarod Warren's green honda on the way back from an FCA lunch. We were nothing more than strangers that mingled with mutual humans. 
I think I remember the first time I said his name. I was flopping down in my seat in the front row of Lab Bio, right next to Becky Oxborrow. It was relatively early in the school year.
"You know Jake Yeager?" I asked.
"Uh-huh," she replied, preoccupied by her lab book.
"Did you know he had braces?"
"He does? Since when?"
"I don't know. I don't think I have ever seen his teeth before. He opened the door for me on the way over here and when I said thank you he smiled, and there were the braces."
Her attention was suddenly caught, "Oh my gosh, he has a crush on you!"
"You're an idiot. What are you talking about?"
"I'm just sayin...He's never opened the door or smiled at me. You should ask him to Sadies."
"WE DON'T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER!" And that was that. 
We didn't have any more run ins with each other until one weekend while I was at my dad's house. I was on MSN Messenger, because thats what freshman year consisted of. I was having a super normal conversation with Becky when she randomly suggested that I add Jake (superdude_123, :) obviously)  as a friend. Apparently Beck and Jake secretly became friends at some point in time, and he confessed that he did in fact have a crush on and pink vans and all. I (kriskris_07) went ahead and added him. I was all about new friends.
So, we started talking and didn't stop until 5 hours later, literally. I don't know what it was. We clicked. Instant best friends. I don't even remember what we talked about exactly, but I do remember racing down the hall for a bathroom break or glass of water so I could get back to our conversation as soon as possible. 
Unfortunately for Jake, I was crushin on other peeps, and was a total brat and didn't even give him the time of day. It doesn't make sense in my head why I was so stupid, but I was 14 so I guess that sorta explains it. Anyways, we maintained this awesome friendship. 
Of course Becky soon told me about Jake's interest in me. We were best friends, and it was inevitable. I didn't really believe her, or at least didn't think it was that serious at first. But then I started seeing signs, really really precious puppy love signs. 
Example: Before Jake and I became friends, his hair was frosted. Give him a break. It was 2003. Anyways, I loved it. Give me a break. Again, it was 2003. Well, one Friday during brunch I told Jake he should frost his hair again. I left to my dad's house for the weekend, returned Sunday night for youth group, and tada: frosted hair :) 
I'm not sure why I didn't agree to be his girlfriend the moment I met him. I thought he was attractive, he listened to me and was always interested in what I had to say, he made me laugh, yada yada yada. I think it was just too easy, and I had to do the whole thrill of the chase thing first. Whatever. I think I'm going to stop for now. I'll continue periodically. I'm realizing now how much of these past 6 years I'm wanting to capture. 

1 comment:

  1. wow 2003 you were in High School and i was a married lady with a fella in Iraq and graduating Nursing school. Love the story, keep em' coming, i could listen forever
