Wednesday, May 12, 2010

indian giver.

Poor God. Sometimes I'm convinced I'm one of His more annoying children. I ask and ask and ask, and I receive. In big ways. My life has His fingerprints everywhere. Still, I doubt. I don't doubt God's existence, but rather God's abilities. Except, not even God's abilities. Ok, I'll just say it. I'm feeling anxious again.
It isn't lose 20 lbs, sleep all day, think I have a brain tumor anxious. That's a relief. I am just anxious in a selfish way. My confidence is dwindling. Security is weakening. Trust is definitely being tested.
Here's the thing. I like control. Not necessarily to call the shots, because that usually stresses me out. I just like control to have something to hold on to. It's safe. This is why I imaginary brake when I'm in the passenger seat and why I always volunteer to do the work in group projects. I guess that's pretty typical stuff, but it's saddening that I can't muster up the courage to fully trust the creator of the Universe. I could say that I try my hardest, but I don't. Obviously.
Let me set you up with a scene from a typical Karissa prayer session:
".....And God help me not to feel (blank) about (blank). Let me not worry about (blank), and allow me to trust that (blank). I place it all in Your hands. I love you and praise you and worship you. In Jesus' name, Amen." I take a breath, turn to my side, and get right back to worrying as soon as possible. Irritating.
I know I'm unique and irreplaceable. I've read those verses. God has told me, Himself. I know God's timing is better than mine. I've read those verses too. I know my life has purpose and great potential. Read about it. I know I'm safe in His arms. Sang about it. I'm just having trouble living it.
I know it's finals, and another transition period (which I'm not the greatest with). I know big things are going to be happening soon, and that I have a lot to look forward to this summer. I know that God is preparing to use me in ways that are beyond my understanding. I know I need to ditch the resentment and insecurity, the tension, and most importantly the control. I'll do it. I'm just having a night.
Ps. Big Guy, Thanks for being a lover of ashes.

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters ... they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God" (Isaiah 43:1-3).

1 comment:

  1. oh honey, mom and i both are big on that...give our worries to God and take it all back. Sometimes you just have to let God take it ALL. It's hard stuff, it doesn't feel good at all, He's got your back. Love you too. *HUGS*
