Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Reasons I Would Hate To Be My Friend

1. Sometimes I don't speak in complete sentences and rarely give background information on what I'm talking about. I assume you all can read my thoughts.
2. I only want to watch movies I've already seen. Ex: Spinal Tap. Dan in Real Life. Elf. The Sound of Music. These are also the only movies I won't fall asleep 20 minutes into.
3.I turn into a psychotic werewolf if I don't have food or sleep. Jake also likes to say I function like an infant.
4. I am quite often thinking in terms of joke material and sometimes forget that some people aren't good at taking jokes.
5. I demand frequent sinus massages.
6. I literally canNOT control my giggling and often times laugh in inappropriate situations.
7. I grab food off other's plates without waiting for permission to do so.


  1. ok...we can be tard sister together. Paul knows to feed me frequently or i cannot be tolerated

  2. kate: haha it really is horrible. right when i'm being a moody brat jake just asks, "when was the last time you ate?"
    liz: 1. the shining? comfort? hahah crreeeeepp! ;)
    2. they may be. i feel in change they are always thirsty though. do you get that vibe?
    3. haha i ALWAYS have to do that. after like 5 minutes of silence I will just say something like, "yeah i don't know..she was definitely acting weird last night." everybody gets so pissed lol

  3. Liz, that surprises me about Sean, he did grow up with our mom, and that's why i talk the same manner...it's called "shorthand" or the mere fact that we have "outside voices" those mental thoughts that kinda sneak out for everyone to hear.
