Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 12 :)

A picture or description of someone who makes you happy.

America, meet my brothers :) I didn't want to play favorites, so today you get a picture and description of all 4 of them! Yes, four. 

Meet Wes: You see the charming tall kid, punching the charming second tallest kid? That's Wes. He is one of the funniest people I know, and he doesn't even realize it. He also happens to be a literal genius. Confused about animal science or WWII? Wes is your man. He is gentle and loving but fierce and blunt. He will most likely get a fancy scholarship to a fancy university and become MUCH more successful than me. I'm totally ok with that. 

Meet Aaron: Or as I like to call him Kaaron, or sometimes when I'm reallllly sassy, Shaaron. Aar is far more sensitive and loving than his sarcastic comments and stink eyes make him out to be. He has truly developed a funny bone these past few years, which makes me so very proud. Aaron is our little athlete and works it on both the football and (more importantly) baseball fields. He's by far the brother I fight with the most, but it's just because he's passionate (*cough dramatic cough*) 

Meet Keaton: Keaton, whose gorgeous eyes you can see peaking over my shoulder, is one of the most beautiful humans I've ever seen. He also is way funnier than me, which I rarely admit. K-mac is in that awkward 10-year-old phase, but I honestly can't wait to see how totally rad he is going to become. He is a not-so-secret snuggle bug and his big sis is still his first love. He also has a Yugioh card collection that will put your little brother to shame, so there! 

Meet Kade: Hurri-Kade continues to blow me away. He is just this funny, composed, mature, and insightful man locked away in this little body. He comes up with the most profound and witty things while coloring in his children's menu. It's just amazing. Plus, he is totally a stud. The kid has the ability to win any woman over with his precious little eye squint. Like Keaton, I am so stoked to see teenager Kade. 5 minutes and you'll want him as your bff. 

I love my brothers, and I'm 100% positive that I wouldn't be nearly as cool as I am now if it weren't for all of them. Playing army and constantly having to put down the toilet seat is good for a girl. I wish they were all with me all the time. They are just the best. 

1 comment:

  1. reading this brought a wetness to my eyes. you are insightful and continue to amaze me.

